Sunday 14 August 2016

Kevin Hart Finally Weds “His Rib” Eniko Parrish

Kevin Hart weds his girlfriend of five years and fiancee of two, Eniko Parrish, Saturday, August 14. 
The humble comedian intends to make her his “rib” forever.
“I honestly can say that I’m lucky enough to have an amazing woman.” Kevin gushed to US Weekly. “I’m looking forward to getting married. We got seven years under our belt, been engaged for two. It’s time.”
Officially Mr. and Mrs. Hart! The couple exchanged their forever vows before two-hundred family and friends in a beautiful wedding ceremony in Santa Barbara, California.
Kevin Hart wants more kids and intends to add to the brood he already has with his ex-wife.
The Central Intelligence star already shares his eleven-year old daughter Heaven, eight-year old Hendrix, with Torrei Hart.
He declared, “I really looked in the mirror the other day and I said, ‘I need to put more people on this earth that look like me. I’ll say two more. I’m not going past two.”
kevin hart
Kevin Hart is the real definition of hustle smart, keep your game tight and aim to break the norm.
These three strategies got a little black boy with a mouth of jokes, big dreams and no dime to the number six spot of Forbes 2016 Global Celebrity Earners knocking off Lionel Messi and Adele.
Hart raked in $87.5 million from his tours after playing over a hundred shows in one year. Each show churning in almost a million dollars in sold-out tickets.
How did he get richer than Adele or Messi? Kevin Hart did what no other comedian alive had attempted, turning comedy shows to tours.
Each show outmassing the other as he filled audiences of over forty-thousand capacity.
He is the first comedian to ever earn more than Jerry Seinfeld.
Congrats Mr and Mrs Hart. We sure hope you have a beautiful married life. 


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