Saturday 13 August 2016

Essential Health Benefits Of eating Date

Dates are considered to be one of the most healthy foods on earth; this delicious fruit gotten from tropical oasis contains concentrated amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

The botanical name of this fruit is Phoenix dactylifera; they are chewy, oddly wrinkled and deliciously flavored fruits that have numerous health benefits. Dates are considered to be drupes because they have a single pit or stone at the center.

The fruit is oval or cylindrical in shape with colour ranging from golden yellow to deep brown. This fruit has different varieties; thus the taste, colour and quality may differ. There are many health benefits that could be derived from eating dates.

The soft simple sugar filled flesh contains fructose and dextrose which amounts to over two hundred calories. They are fruits that supply the body with energy as a result of these qualities. In addition to this, they are easily digestible.

 Muslims often use this fruit in breaking their fasts during Ramadan because they revitalize the body immediately. Dates contain tannins which contain anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties.

They also contain vitamin A which helps improve vision. Fruits that are rich in vitamin A help maintain healthy skin and prevent lung and oral cavity cancers.

Find below some of the health benefits of eating dates:

1. Prevention of abdominal cancer Many Muslims take dates when they are about to break their fasts; when this fruit is taken, it prevents them from overeating. Hunger is pacified when the body takes in all the nutritional values present in the dates. The potassium present in dates also helps the nervous system.

2. Prevention of stomach problems Eating date regularly could also help treat many stomach disorders. Dates could be eaten as a relief from constipation, anemia, diarrhea, intestinal disorders and other conditions. It could also be used to treat sexual dysfunction. If dates are to be used as a laxative, it should be soaked in water overnight and then taken. The high level of soluble fiber found in dates aids bowel movements.

3. Important for bone health and strength Dates is an amazing fruit that helps strengthen the bones because of the incredible amounts of minerals found in them. This delicious fruit also helps fight off diseases because they help boost the immune system. The elements contained in this fruit are relevant when it comes to the development of bones.

4. Improving sexual health Dates are a natural aphrodisiac. Consuming them would help treat sexual disorders and help you enjoy the best of the relationship. This fruit enhances sexual stamina and reduces sterility that could result from these sexual disorders. Dates contain high levels of estradiol and flavonoid which aid sperm motility and increase the sperm count too. Dates could also help increase the sizes of the testis and weight too. Men who want to improve their masculinity should take this fruit from time to time.

5. It makes the heart healthy Dates that have been soaked overnight and then crushed before consumption is highly beneficial to the body as it helps make the heart healthier. Taking dates help reduce the risk of strokes and other heart-related diseases because they contain an appreciable amount of potassium. Conclusively, taking dates regularly would help improve the health of your heart.


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