Sunday 17 July 2016

Muslim youths attack another Catholic Church, says Friday belongs to us

A group of Muslim youths, on Friday attacked St. Philips Catholic Parish, Baki Iku, very close to Zuma Rock in Nigeria State.

According to eyewitnesses, some Catholics had gone to the church to pray and were attacked by the Muslims who claimed that Friday is their day of prayer and that the Church only has right to worship on Sundays.

Information gathered from eyewitnesses said, they were destroying the Church properties: the doors and the windows. Some soldiers managed to get there later.

He said, "Sometime around 2pm, some Muslim youths in their hundreds left their Mosque after their Friday Jumat prayer and rushed to the Church premises, climbed the wall and destroyed everything in the Church: the windows, the alter,
musical instruments, the chapel.

"The security man in the church premises was beaten to pulp. Some women who were
holding a prayer meeting were chased away. The seminarians who is resident in the premises was also beaten up and chased away."


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