Wednesday 31 August 2016

Photos: Adorable Elderly Couple Have Been Dressing In Matching Outfits For Years

An adorable elderly couple who dress in matching outfits have been praised for their sweet romance after 52 YEARS together.

Fran and Ed Garguila's every day clothing includes all the colours of the rainbow but each always complements the other.

Their images have been shared online by their teen grandson Anthony Garguila, and the internet is full of people who think they're as adorable as he does.

"I never expected a tweet of my grandparents to go viral," he said, after more than 34,369 people retweeted his Ausgust 30 post.

The couple - Ed, who is 76, and 74-year-old Fran - have been dressing alike since they started square dancing several years ago, reports CNN .

Commenters have gone crazy for the shots, with one reading: "This is the most adorable thing I have EVER seen."

Others added: "That is dedication and actually really cute" and "This is so SWEEEET! I just want to hug them!"


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