Saturday 23 July 2016

Turkey coup attempt; 10,410 people arrested

The Turkish president, Recep Erdogan said on Friday, July 22, that the number of people who were arrested in Turkey following the last week’s attempted coup has increased to 10,410.

Erdogan said that he number was at about 9,000, adding that the 4,060 people who were arrested earlier have been placed in detention.

The rapid pace of arrests which Erdogan insists is targeting the supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Erdogan had said that the suspects were behind the failed July 15 coup which has disturbed many of Turkey’s Western allies, who said they see Turkey going down. Meanwhile, Ankara has intensified checks on Turkish citizens leaving the country in a move to prevent people associated with the attempted coup from escaping the authorities.

Those travelling from any of the country’s international airports will now have to provide proof of their employment. Civil servants as well as their spouses and children will need authorisation by their employer to travel.

“Meanwhile other employees will have to prove that they work in the private sector and are therefore not civil servants,’’ sources close to the government said. The government has vowed to “clean” the civil service from Gulen supporters.

All civil servants have been banned from going on holiday, while those currently abroad have been asked to return home.

“Turkey is also demanding that the U.S. extradite Gulen. Citizens have to defend themselves against the “most insidious and vile coup attempt in the history of the Turkish people,” Erdogan said. People have indeed continued to celebrate the crushing of the coup since the weekend.

Thousands gathered overnight on the Bosporous Bridge, which was occupied by troops in tanks who fired on civilians during the coup attempt. Yasin Aktay, spokesman of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) said “we cannot understand the criticism we’re getting from Europe about this.


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