Saturday 30 July 2016

Turkish Colleges respond to the call by Turkish Ambassador for closure of colleges in Nigeria

The Nigerian Turkish International Colleges have described the call by the Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil, for the closure of 17 ‘Turkish’ schools in Nigeria as “a spurious request.”

In a statement issued on the school’s website Friday, the institution called on the public to ignore Mr. Cakil.

They said “But for the fact that the statement contained misleading information, we would not have dignified it with a response,” the school said in the statement signed by Orhan Kertim, the Managing Director.

“But as law-abiding schools operating in Nigeria since 1998, we owe Nigerians a duty to expose the ulterior motives of the Turkish Ambassador in the said statement.”

During a courtesy visit by the vice chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Shehu Sani, on Thursday, Mr. Cakil said the schools have links with a movement his government believed was involved in the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey.

According to the ambassador, investigations by the Turkish government showed that a movement led by US-based Fethullah Gulen was responsible for the failed coup attempt, which claimed over 200 lives.

The NTIC, however, pushed back on Mr. Cakil’s claims, insisting that the Nigerian Turkish International Colleges was created with a vision to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning, as well as produce youth who become productive members of the Nigerian society.

“The NTIC is not a Turkish government run institution, but a privately funded institution by a group of Turkish investors,” said Mr. Kertim.

“As a responsible organisation operating in Nigeria since 1998, we are conversant with the laws of the land and we have to the best of our ability abided by these stipulations.

Mr. Kertim said the call to shut down the schools by Mr. Cakil was not only baseless but also “unfounded and of poor taste.”

“Nigeria is a sovereign country and the call by the Turkish Ambassador is not only an affront to the sovereignty of the Nigerian nation but a display of the crass ignorance.”


Hours after Aramide of Lifestake Foundation released a video account of her side of the story, actress Toyin Aimakhu has released a statement on the #SaveMayowa case.

Mayowa Ahmed’s Saga: My Story In view of the recent happenings around Mayowa Ahmed’s ill health and the many allegations of fraud surrounding the funds raised, it has become imperative that I come clean by stating my side of the story and by implications, set the record straight.

When I got wind of Mayowa’s sickness, I was moved to tears and immediately sought to know how I could help, hence my on-the-spot video which went viral as my genuine intervention.

Indeed, I was overwhelmed by the quick response of well-meaning Nigerians to whom I will forever owe a debt of gratitude.

But all this changed yesterday, Thursday 28th, July, when I went to the hospital in the morning to check as well as follow up on Mayowa. Her brother had told everyone to leave them alone because they wanted privacy. Although I was shocked at the sudden change in attitude, especially the tone of communication, I still did not suspect anything was amiss.

However, on my way out, I received a call from one Aramide Kasumu of Life Stake Foundation, who would later claim the whole Mayowa Ahmed fund raiser was a scam. Importantly, she wanted to know the extent of my involvement and in her words, “so that when they are giving their reports, I would not be roped into it”.

She went further to state that the family deceived everyone in the first place by raising funds for Mayowa despite the fact that her case was helpless and the hopes of her survival was near impossible. She seemed to know so much, I reckoned. Upon hearing this, I was appalled and in a bid to clear my name, I went back to the hospital in palpable anger and demanded explanations from all concerned.

Perhaps, I overreacted when I went into a rage of anger over the matter with the CSO. I then alerted the Police PRO, who invited the parties involved to the police command. I want to state for the record that I have never been a fraud and will never partake in one, not even at this stage of my career (which I hold to heart).

All my efforts were strictly on humanitarian grounds without recourse to any pecuniary consideration or the resort to cheap fame. That said, whatever discomfort my reactions may have cost anyone from any quarters is highly regretted and I take responsibility.

Whilst I wish Mayowa a quick recovery and divine intervention, I want to urge us as a people to continue to exhibit that enviable Nigerian spirit of compassion and generosity and not because of this isolated case cease to be our sister/brother’s keeper. I love you all and thank you.

Militants agree to dialogue with the Federal government.

Militants agree to dialogue with the Federal government.

Three militant groups in the Niger Delta region have backpedalled on their earlier decision not to allow the Niger Delta Dialogue and Contact Group (NDDCG) to represent them in the ongoing dialogue with the federal government.

According to Vanguard, the groups which have now agreed to be included in the dialogue are; Reformed Egbesu Boys of the Niger Delta, Egbesu Red Water Lions and Egbesu Mightier Fraternity.

Confirming their part in the dialogue, the leadership of Reformed Egbesu Boys of Niger Delta in an electronic mail on behalf of other affiliate groups, said:

“A fortnight ago,  we responded to this subject matter wherein we stated emphatically that the Niger Delta Dialogue and Contact Group  had no mandate to negotiate on our behalf in respect of the renewed hostilities against oil and gas facilities

“We wish to state that the leadership of the Reformed Egbesu Boys of the Niger Delta, including the Egbesu Red Water Lions  and the Egbesu  Mightier Fraternity have been duly consulted and our mandate secured for the negotiation by the  Diette- Spiff- led committee.”

The federal government has been making frantic efforts to get militants to the dialogue table in the wake of recent bombing of oil and gas facilities which have reduced Nigeria’s crude oil export to an all-time low.

However, the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA), the foremost militant group in the region, has counted itself out of the NDDCG talks with the government. MEND spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo, who also confirmed the talks, said groups like Avengers and other internet-based militants were not part of it.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian army caused panic in the Arepo area of Ogun state and some part of Lagos state as soldiers bombarded the base of suspected Niger Delta militants in the state.

The Punch reports that scores of militants were feared killed in the joint army operation which lasted for several hours. The source revealed that the army attacked Fatola, the base of the militants, continuing that houses around the area were shaken by the impact of bomb blasts on the Ijaw militants.

Friday 29 July 2016

#SAVEMAYOWA : LUTH speaks out.

The Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH, has denied involvement in the public appeal to raise funds for the treatment of one of its patients, Miss Mayowa Ahmed.

In a statement issued today, the LUTH management said contrary to any circulating information, the hospital did not refer Ahmed overseas and as an Institution, is not involved with any fund-raising activity or activist on her behalf.

The statement said LUTH has only dealt with Ahmed and her relations throughout her stay and not with any other third party.

"Mayowa Ahmed is an old patient of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital who has been on treatment for another condition.

This 31year-old lady came into the Private Wing of LUTH on Monday, 25th July, 2016 with a history and clinical features of an intra-abdominal mass. The family and the patient brought along some results of laboratory investigations ordered and done from outside LUTH.

" Three different specialists were invited to review Mayowa. The Gynaecologist, Oncologist and Haematologist all arrived at a tentative diagnosis of an abdominal malignancy.

Theyplanned to conduct a series of fresh tests to confirm the definitive diagnosis, since the earlier tests were neither requested nor authorised by any doctor from LUTH."

Further the statement said: "The patient’s family howeverrequested to fly Miss Ahmed outside the country barely 24 hours after her admission in LUTH, thus stalling all the planned investigations meant to arrive at a definitive diagnosis.

" We were able to transfuse her with much-needed blood only after lots of persuasion where the family was told point blank that it was risky for her to travel by air, given her low blood count.

Today is the 3rd day after admission and a definitive
diagnosis has not yet been made while the relations insist on their own to carry her abroad."

The statement said there was a disturbance of the peace today around the ward premises. When an altercation involving Miss Ahmed’s relatives and
persons not known to the Hospital ensued, the police were invited to restore peace in the Hospital.

Both parties are presently with the police and we urge the general public to patiently await the outcome of the ongoing police investigations.

"We also enjoin the good-natured public, our caring press-men and all philanthropists to seek the expert opinions of specialists in Nigeria if we want to maximise the gains of their concerted efforts and selfless contribution towards alleviating the suffering of fellow Nigerians. "'

Three Nigerians killed by firing squad in Indonesia for drugs trafficking

Igweh during trial 
 They were killed by firing squad after they were convicted for trafficking drugs, according to officials of the Indonesian government.

Nigerian Bulletin reports that the three Nigerians and one Indonesian were put to death after midnight on Thursday, July 28, according to Noor Rachmad, deputy attorney general for general crimes.

The report said the official was silent on 10 others slated to be executed but were not.

The United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and the Amnesty International (AI) joined other global bodies pleading for the convicts but Indonesia rejected the appeals.

Those convicted are said to be from Nigeria, Pakistan, India and Zimbabwe and Indonesians and had been isolated at a prison island where the executions are carried out.

The report said authorities stepped up preparations with ambulances carrying coffins seen crossing over to Nusakambangan Island where the execution was to be carried out.

Daily Globe Watch also reports that President Joko Widodo believes Indonesia faces an emergency due to rising drugs consumption and as a result, he has strengthened the use of capital punishment to frustrate this.

Since 2014, when he became president, his country has executed 14 convicts mostly foreigners. In April 2015, the country executed eight drug convicts, including two Australians.
Another convict 

Igweh, during his last session in court, had revealed how Indonesian police electrocuted his genitals to force him to confess to possessing heroin.

Nigeria’s 4x400m women’s relay team out of 2016 Olympics

Nigeria’s 4x400m women’s relay team, has been thrown out of next month’s Olympic Games by the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF).

The IAAF took this decision, after Tosin Adeloye tested positive to a drug test at the Confederation of African Athletics (CAA) Super Grand Prix/Warri Relays in Warri, Delta State in July 2015.

Adeloye was part of the quartet, that finished in fourth place at the IAAF World Championships in Beijing last year August, where she ran the third leg.

The other members of the relay team were Regina George, Funke Oladoye and Patience Okon-George.

Adeloye’s positive drugs test and sebsequent ban for eight years, means that all the results she achieved from the time of the test – individually and jointly – will be cancelled.

The IAAF has already removed the times the Nigerian team ran in Beijing, from the 2015 top list on its website.

17 Schools In Nigeria Allegedly linked To Turkish Coup, set be closed

The Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil, has called on the Federal Government to close 17 Turkish schools in Nigeria over alleged links with a movement his government says was involved in the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey.

The Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil, has called on the Federal Government to close 17 Turkish schools in Nigeria over alleged links with a movement his government says was involved in the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey.

The ambassador, who made the call when the vice chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Shehu Sani, paid him a courtesy visit, said the Turkish Government had nothing to do with the schools.

According to the ambassador, investigations by the Turkish government showed that a movement led by US-based Fethullah Gulen was responsible for the failed coup attempt, which claimed over 200 lives.

He said the Turkish government was dissociating itself from any school bearing the country’s name in Nigeria, adding that while the country had schools in other countries, it had none in Nigeria.

“We are requesting the Nigerian Government to close down the schools.

“I have requested officially, both orally and in writing, the closure of these schools. Also, I have sent a letter to Mr Geoffrey Onyeama (Foreign Minister) and Mr Abba Kyari (Chief of Staff to the President) about this subject and requested their support for the closure of the schools.

“I will also send letters to the Chairmen of Committees on Foreign Affairs in the National Assembly as well as the Senate Majority Leader over the issue and I am going to enclose some documents in English on how the group members are engaged in the army, police and the Judiciary.

“In Nigeria, there are 17 schools, which belong to the Gulen Movement, one in Kano, one in Kaduna, one in Abuja, Lagos etc and they are offering scholarships.

“We are starting some legal procedures to take the name of Turkish out of the name of the schools. They are not the schools of the Turkish Government.

“They are misleading the public and allocating scholarships to the children of the high bureaucracy and after they graduate from school, they send the children to Turkey to attend their universities,’’ he said.

The ambassador said the Turkish government had closed down all schools linked to the movement in Turkey.

“Turkish government has already closed down all primary, secondary, high schools and universities owned by the group in Turkey.

“In our system, it is allowed for the foundation to establish schools if they fulfill some requirements and that is how they established these schools.

“This is an issue that the Turkish Government has attached so much importance.

“Recently, my Minister called Mr Onyeama and briefed him about these schools because they are raising funds through the schools and they are using these funds for illegal activities

 This is a matter of national security for us in Turkey. I have instructions from my government to follow up this matter and we will be very happy to obtain the support of Nigerian legislators on that issue,’’ he said.

He promised to engage other relevant government officials on the matter, adding that “I will take the matter up to the Federal Executive Council. I have also requested an audience with the Minister of Education.

“You may be aware that the government of Turkey started to investigate those responsible for the coup attempt.

“It is really clear that the Gulen Movement is behind the coup. There are some testimonies by detained military officials.

“They are confessing that they are in connection with the Gulen Movement and they have been members of the Gulen Movement for a long time and they have been planning this coup for a long time, nearly five months.

“The Government of Turkey has started to take some legal actions against the leader of the movement. He is now based in the United States. His extradition is a legal matter between Turkey and United States,’’ he said.

On the relations between Nigeria and Turkey, the ambassador said he was optimistic that the trade between the two countries, which declined due to the drop in oil price, would pick up soon.

The Deputy Chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sani, said Turkey had the legitimate right to be concerned about its security in view of the failed coup attempt.

He, however, urged the Turkish government to operate within the ambits of the law in bringing those responsible for the incidence to book.

“I think the world should identify and reason with you because if the coup had succeeded there could have been bloodshed.

“You have a legitimate right to continue to raise them and for our government to look into them.

“One thing I will say is that I will urge you to use the instrument of democracy, liberty and constitutional right to bring to book those who are involved in that,” he said.

Wednesday 27 July 2016


The United Bank of Africa (UBA) has clarified reports linking it to the funding of the failed coup plotted in Turkey.

In a press statement made released by the bank on Tuesday evening, it countered the claims by a Turkey-based newspaper, Yenisafak, that some of those arrested in connection with the July 15, 2016 failed coup plot implicated UBA as its sponsors.

According to the earlier report, the suspects said a United States Army General, John F. Campbell, championed the funding of the failed coup.

It was added that the funds used was in the region of $2 billion and was moved from the United States into UBA Plc and where the coup plotters allegedly withdrew the monies from.

Charles Aigbe, the bank’s head of communications, in a statement issued on Tuesday, stated that the bank was never involved in any such thing.

“UBA is aware of the on-going and spurious media speculation linking our institution to recent events in Turkey.

“In light of this we believe it is necessary to categorically state that UBA has no involvement in or connection to these accusations, which are clearly false.

“We remain focused and firmly committed to delivering on our strategy to build Africa’s premier banking institution,” the bank’s statement reads.

Recall that the current investigation of the failed military coup in Turkey on July 15 showed that ex-commander of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan, was the organizer of the attempt.

Yeni Safak reported that General Campbell managed more than $2 billion money transactions via United Bank of Africa (UBA) Bank in Nigeria by using CIA links to share among the pro-coup army personnel in Turkey.

Meet the 72kg pooch which could be crowned the world's tallest dog

Great Dane Major with his owner Brian and Julie 

Not long after the world ugliest dog is being named,  The tallest dog might soon be named.

Great Dane Major is a three-year-old pooch who towers over his owners Brian and Julie Williams and could soon be named the world’s tallest dog.

The height of this gentle giant is 2 meters and 13 centimeters when he is standing on his hind legs, while his weight is about 72 kilograms.

However, Brian and Julie assure that despite his frightening look Dane wouldn’t hurt a fly and is extremely kind.

The huge dog sleeps for 22 hours each day on his adult-sized mattress and eats a special diet mainly consisting of chicken and rice.
Major eating his favourite rice and chicken meal

Describing their extraordibary pet Mr Williams said: “He is the biggest-hearted dog in the world. He is such a fantastic animal. People love seeing him. They play with him all day.

We bought him as a pup and he has been with us ever since. He has got free reign of the place if he wants to go out, he isn’t locked indoors.

He’s afraid of his own shadow, he’s absolutely great with kids and an absolute star. He brings us a lot of happiness and is so easy to look after. He’s just got a terrific temperament and never gives us a minute’s problems.”

Mr and Mrs Williams, Penmaen, south Wales, UK, are currently waiting for Guinness World Records committee to compare their minion with two other dogs and cofirm he is the world’s tallest dog.
Julie Williams and Major

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Malawi Orders Arrest Of Man Paid To Have Sex With Children

Malawian President Peter Mutharika ordered the arrest Tuesday of a man paid to have sex with more than 100 adolescent girls as part of a traditional ritual marking their passage to womanhood.
The order was issued after the man from the southern district of Nsanje gave a media interview confessing to have slept with the girls for a fee of between four and seven dollars paid by each of their families.
“I order police to immediately arrest Mr Eric Aniva, investigate him and take him to court forthwith for defilement cases,” Mutharika said in a statement.
This little-known local practice is performed in southern Malawi by men known as “hyenas” at the behest of a girl’s parents after her first menstruation.
The ritual is believed to train girls to become good wives and to protect them from disease, or misfortune could fall on their families or their village.
But it is blamed for spreading AIDS.
In a BBC interview broadcast last week, Aniva confessed to being infected with HIV and sleeping with virgin girls without using protection.
Aniva said that the girls were as young as 12.
“All these girls find pleasure in having me as their ‘hyena’,’ he said. “They actually are proud.”
Mutharika said Aniva should “be investigated for exposing the young girls to contracting HIV and further be charged accordingly.”
He also ordered an inquiry into the role of parents, saying “harmful cultural and traditional practices cannot be accepted.”
The sexual cleansing ritual by a “hyena” is also performed on bereaved widows in Nsanje district to exorcise villages of evil spirits or to prevent another death occurring.
Aniva said a “hyena” was selected by the community based on good morals and that custom did not allow him to use condoms.
Malawi, which has one of the highest HIV infections in the world, criminalises sex with a person under the age of 16. 

Credit :Guardian 

Priest killed after two men armed with knives attacked a church in France

A Catholic priest was found dead this morning near Normandy, City of Rouen in France after two men armed with knives took hostages at a church and slit the priest's throat.

New reports coming out of the crime scene say the knife-men shouted 'Daesh' a message in support of Islamic State (ISIS) as they launched the attack.

Before police units rushed to the church in the Normandy town of Saint- Etienne-du Rouvray and shot them dead after a long gun battle.

A spokesman for the ministry of the interior, Pierre-Henry Brandet, confirmed that the priest was dead and said another hostage was "between life and death".

Mr Brandet told French TV channel BFMTV: "The two hostage-takers came out of the church armed and it was at that point that they were neutralised by the police."

National Front leader Marine le Pen said: "More horror at Saint Etienne du Rouvray. The modus operandi obviously leads one to fear a new attack by Islamist terrorists."
Investigation is still on going.

Why I gave Fashola three ministries to handle: Buhari

Buhari said Fashola did well as Lagos State governor and that he was capable of delivering.
“The economic realities demanded that we merge ministries and we did,” Buhari told The Interview.“Putting three critical ministries under one man was determined by the ability to perform.
“This is a man who had ruled a state excellently for eight years and as they say, the reward for hard work is more work,” Buhari stated.
DAILY POST recalls that in early June, Fashola noted that he was not overwhelmed running the affairs of the three key ministries.
The minister, who spoke at the inaugural ‘Buharimeter Town Hall Meeting’, pointed out that the ministries were not bigger than Lagos State which he successfully governed for eight years.
He said “what is different is that I am working with a team I have not worked with before but I had to use a reasonable period of time to study the terrain”.
Fashola assured Nigerians that he was performing and the he has a capable hand as minister of state in the ministry, an experienced permanent secretary and reliable members of staff.

Koffi Olomide gets one year in jail for kicking woman at JKIA

Congolese Singer Koffi Olomide has been jailed
for a year for assaulting a female dancer in
Kenya, reports indicate.

The Rhumba maestro was arrested on Tuesday at his home in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It was reported that he was taken to court
shortly after and charged with the crime. He was found guilty and sentenced to a year in jail.

Olomide denied assaulting one of his dancers
identified as Pamela. His lawyer George
Wajackoyah also accused police of manhandling the musician.

The singer apologised in a Facebook post on
Monday, terming the incident a "moment of

He has faced widespread condemnation and
outrage since the video of the incident at JKIA
was shared on social media.

Kenyans on Twitter called for his immediate
arrest and deportation after the assault.
Olomide was deported to Kinshasa, DRC, by
Kenya Airways after spending a night in police
custody last week.

The singer's show at Zambia's Agricultural And
Commercial Society, where he was scheduled to perform at this year's 90th Show, was cancelled as a result.

Minister of State for Agriculture, Sen. Heineken Lopkobiri bags a PhD from UK University

Minister of State for Agriculture, Senator (Dr. )
Heineken Lopkobiri graduated yesterday from Leeds Beckett University, UK, with a PhD.

His research thesis was titled: “The Practice of Environmental Rights: The Case of the Nigerian Niger-Delta”.

Photo Credit: Facebook – Tamaratare Otis Zuokomor

Source:: Linda Ikeji

Health tips: Home remedy for tooth ache

Toothaches are common and vary from mild discomfort to unbearable throbbing pains, which can cause a sleepless night. Toothaches are never to be toyed with.

Toothache can come as a result of cracked tooth, cavities, gum disease, an infection, an exposed tooth root, a cracked tooth, gum disease and many more and while it’s best to see a health practitioner to get it fixed, there are temporary home remedies to try to keep it under control.

1. Onion

Onions work well for toothache.

How to:

1. Chop raw onions and chew for a few minutes to offer almost instant relief


2. Place raw onion (in a size that fits the area perfectly) directly on the bad tooth or gum area for relief

Onions have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that give relief from pain by killing germs causing the infection and this works for toothache as well.

2. Garlic

Garlic has antibiotic properties and helps with toothache

How to:

1. Mix garlic powder with salt and apply directly to the affected tooth or area to reduce pain


2. Mix crushed clove of garlic with salt and apply directly unto the area or the affected tooth, leave it on for a few minutes and spit out.


3. Chew on cloves of garlic for almost instant relief

Garlic is medicinal (used in dishes today) and its effective/offers relief when pains especially toothache

President Buhari commissions Abuja-Kaduna rail services

Abuja- Kaduna rail services is now being commissioned by President Muhammadu Buhari, Minister of Transportation Rotimi Amaechi and Kaduna state Governor Nasir El-Rufai.

 The project was started by the Goodluck Jonathan led government and completed by Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

Speaking at the train’s main station at Idu, Abuja, Mr. Buhari said the federal government would link all states and commercial centres in the country with rail lines.

The president later took a train ride from Idu to Kubwa, a suburb of Abuja.

Construction of the Abuja-Kaduna rail began under the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan and was implemented to an advanced stage before the end of that government.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Jose Mourinho: I Want To Win The EPL

Jose Mourinho has bemoaned the impossible situation United find themselves in due to Europa league football, believing it’ll affect their chances of winning the English Premier League.

Manchester United narrowly missed out on qualifying for the UCL, after finishing fifth behind Manchester City. They qualified for Europa league and will play on Thursdays.

Mourinho is concerned that their lack of rest between games could have a negative impact and believes Chelsea – who do not play in Europe at all – have a major advantage in the title race.

“The Premier League doesn’t do you any favours,” the Portuguese told The Sun.

“We will be playing [in the Europa League] on Thursday, but I don’t think they will then make us play on a Monday, they will make us play on Sunday and probably at 12 o’clock.

“So we are in the worst possible situation. It is the worst [if you want to fight] for the Premier League.

“It is much easier to be a Champions League team. And obviously it is much easier to be what Liverpool were two years ago and what Chelsea are next season [with no European football].

“One complete week to work every week, that is a dream. That is a dream for a manager who wants to improve his team.”

Nevertheless, Mourinho is determined to fight for the title in his first season in charge, even if the board of directors have given him three seasons to get United back to the top.

“The message from the owners and Mr Woodward was this: ‘Get your three years, do your work, improve the team and bring us back where we belong during a three-year period.’ My message was that I wanted to win the title in the first season,” he added.

“I want to be champion. To say before the season starts that the top four is the target? The top four is not the target. We want to play to be champions.

“If during the season we realise the points difference doesn’t allow us to fight for the title, we are going to establish a new target and when you can’t be champion the next target is to finish top four.”

New CJTF recruited into the Nigerian Army paint the town red

A total number of 250 former members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) -were officially integrated into the Nigerian Army after concluding military training.

They were formally recruited by Kashim Shettima, the governor of Borno state, at the Government House in Maiduguri on Friday, July 22.

After their recruitment, the new soldiers took to the streets of Maiduguri to show their appreciation and also show residents that they are fit for the task as they jogged across the metropolis.

We Attacked Niger State Catholic Church Because Members Were Disturbing Us With Music During Juma’at Prayer – Suspect Says

Abba Usan,  An eighteen years old who has been arrested by the police for allegedly participating in the July 15th attack by some Muslim youths on St. Philips Catholic Church in Suleja, Niger State,
says himself and his group attacked the church because the church members were playing their music so loud which was disturbing them as they were holding their Juma’at service at about the same time.

Usman who is from Manumfachi in Katsina State and has no fixed address, said they attacked the church for having the effrontery to disturb the peace of the mosque while prayers were going on.

“We went to the church to teach them a bitter lesson so that they will never disturb the peace of the mosque again, especially on a Friday when we are having a prayer.

They have the whole of Sunday to themselves and we have never disturbed them from doing their own programmes. “We all entered the church and vandalised some of their property, while we took some of their musical instruments and other valuables.

I went for two of the microphones with the aim of selling them, but I was not lucky as I was caught with them” he said while being paraded in Niger state.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo to have airport named after him as Real Madrid star is honoured in Portugal

The Euro 2016 and Champions League winner is set to have his achievements recognised just days after opening his new five-star hotel

Cristiano Ronaldo is to have an airport named after him on his native island of Madeira after Portugal's Euro 2016 success.

The Real Madrid star already has a bronze statue, a museum and a hotel bearing his name in the island's capital city of Funchal, but will soon see the main airport rechristened the Madeira Cristiano Ronaldo airport.

Local governor Miguel Albuquerque confirmed the decision, according to Mundo Deportivo, with the 31-year-old superstarcurrently back on the island after holidaying in Ibiza.

Meanwhile, Ronaldo opened the doors of his new five-star hotel this week.

The Euro 2016 and Champions Leaguewinner is currently on holiday on Ibiza, recovering from a busy season on board a private yacht.

But he returned to Funchal in Madeira for the grand opening of his boutique hotel on Friday.

It is designed to appeal to “millennial traveller”, according to the chain, with the hotel aiming to become a "trendsetter" in the Portuguese harbour spot.

The stylish hotel is decorated with Ronaldo memorabilia, with signed shirts adorning some of the walls in a “contemporary art deco” style - the floors are furnished with grass-effect carpets.

There are 48 rooms, with the basic rooms priced at £180-a-night - all equipped with WIFI, mood lighting and high tech shower heads.

And the single CR7 suite -which costs £575-a-night - boasts a PlayStation4 , virtual reality glasses and games, plus cardio workout equipment.

The hotel wellness suite even offer a CR7 “Get in Shape” programme for guests hoping to replicate a Ronaldo six-pack, accompanying its exclusive outdoor gym and sauna facilities.

The rooftop swimming pool appears to be the highlight of the hotel, overlooking the views of Funchal and the harbour.

The hotel - just a stones thrown away from Ronaldo’s official museum - is the first of four the former Manchester United player is involved in launching.

The £70million Pestana CR7 portfolio will be completed by a luxury site in Lisbon that will open later this year, while sites in Madrid and New York are due to launch in 2017 .

Reekado Banks set release his debut Album

Super talented act, Reekado Banks, has announced that his debut album is ready.

Recall, some weeks back, Don Jazzy, CEO of Mavins, tweeted about the same album, telling fans to expect the best from Reekado, as his album will be dope.

Well, Reekado, took to Instagram, some days back, to confirm Don Jazzy’s tweet, and also announced that his album is now ready and will be released in August.


A former Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Nuhu Ribadu, on Friday returned to the All Progressives Congress.

Mr. Ribadu said in a statement he posted on his Facebook page that he rejoined the party online on Friday, and then hosted officials of the party from his Bako Ward in Yola South Local Government Area of Adamawa State.

Then on Friday, he visited the Yola South secretariat of the APC to present himself to the party.

He had left the party for the Peoples Democratic Party in 2014.

Mr. Ribadu, a former presidential candidate of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria, explained that his return to the APC was triggered by his belief that all politics were local and that almost everyone around him who started politics with him believed the time had come for them to make sacrifices and concession.

He said, “My decision to return to the APC was triggered by my belief that all politics are local. Almost everyone around me, and with whom we started my political journey believed the time had come for us to make sacrifices and make concessions. That is in addition to the unbelievable love that my friends in the APC have showered on me in the past months.

“They demonstrated in words and action that they wanted me back home. The intractable crises in the PDP also made it impossible for one to contribute to the necessary task of building a viable opposition platform for our country.
“I also did a deep and long reassessment of the circumstances that warranted my exit from the APC in the first place. I left the APC in 2014 owing to fundamental disagreements with the ways the chapter of the party in my state was run after it fell into some hands.”

PREMIUM TIMES had reported on Tuesday that the Adamawa State chapter of the APC was wooing Mr. Ribadu back.

The former EFCC boss is one of the founding leaders of the party, but defected to the PDP in 2014, a few months to the 2015 general elections.

He left the APC after the impeachment of former Governor Murtala Nyako by the State House of Assembly in 2014.

He was reportedly disappointed that the APC leadership could not save Mr. Nyako from impeachment.

He became the governorship candidate of the PDP in Adamawa in the April 11, 2015 election but lost to the incumbent, Jubrilla Bindow.

This newspaper also reported on Tuesday that the Adamawa State chapter of the APC wrote Mr. Ribadu, asking him to return to his “home party.”

The letter, dated, June, 22, 2016, reads in part:

“Given your track records and progressives nature, we strongly belief APC is where you belong to.

“We are also mindful of the efforts and contributions you made during the merger without which the merger would have been difficult.

“To this end we reaffirm our request for you to come home to APC and assist and contribute to the success of the APC government both at state and national level.”

It was learnt that at the time the APC was making the request, the opposition Peoples Democratic Party was also pressuring him to serve as national chairman to “reorganise the PDP as it readies itself to reclaim power in 2019?.

Below is Mr. Ribadu’s statement announcing his return to the APC

Today I heeded the calls on me to return to the All Progressives Congress (APC), a party of which I was a founding member.

I re-registered as a member of the APC last night through the party’s online portal. After that, the leadership of the party in my Bako ward of Yola South Local Government Area visited me in my Yola residence to welcome me back to their fold.

This afternoon, I visited the Yola South secretariat of the party to present myself and submit to the leadership as a loyal party man.

My decision to return to the APC was triggered by my belief that all politics are local. Almost everyone around me, and with whom we started my political journey believed the time had come for us to make sacrifices and make concessions. That is in addition to the unbelievable love that my friends in the APC have showered on me in the past months.

Tompolo father's limb amputated after brutal military harassment

Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo has said on Friday, July 22, that his family and associates were under siege by security agents.

Tompolo said the agents have treated his 84-year-old father roughly in Kurutie community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government.

According to The Vanguard, the brutal treatment meted to his father resulted in the amputation of his lower limbs, two weeks ago.

Tompolo made the disclosure in an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari, which he indicated might be his last.

He said the continuous harassment and intimidation was getting out of hand, and he does not deserve it.

The ex-militant chief said after the military invaded Kurutie and brutalized his father, sympathizers managed to rescue him to Warri, where the hospital admitted him. “Sadly, one of his lower limbs was amputated two weeks ago. From the doctor’s report, it will be a thing of miracle if he survives this incident”.

“Is this 84- year- old man also a member of the Niger Delta Avengers that they brutalized to the point of death?” he asked.

He said that the harassment and intimidation was by the Nigeria Army, Navy and Department of State Services, DSS, in connivance with two chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta state, Chief Ayiri Emami and Chief Michael Johnny.

The ex-militant leader asked President Buhari: “Will Your Excellency accept this in good faith if this was done to your father or someone of this age in your family?”

Meanwhile, a report by Vanguard indicates that the Nigerian military have arrested suspected associates of ex-militant leader, Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo, in Warri, Delta state.

A source who revealed the information said two of Tompolo’s ally a member of Delta Waterways and Land Security Committee (DWLSC) and an ex-councilor were arrested by soldiers on Tuesday, July 19. The name of the duo arrest were given as Simon Bebenimibo and Bomboy Oluwa, who were said to have been taken to the military barracks in Effurun.

Reacting to the arrest, spokesperson of the Ijaw People Development Initiative (IPDI), Daniel Ezekiel, condemned the military for allegedly breaking into the residence of the DWLSC member through the roof and arresting him without a court warrant.

Turkey coup attempt; 10,410 people arrested

The Turkish president, Recep Erdogan said on Friday, July 22, that the number of people who were arrested in Turkey following the last week’s attempted coup has increased to 10,410.

Erdogan said that he number was at about 9,000, adding that the 4,060 people who were arrested earlier have been placed in detention.

The rapid pace of arrests which Erdogan insists is targeting the supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Erdogan had said that the suspects were behind the failed July 15 coup which has disturbed many of Turkey’s Western allies, who said they see Turkey going down. Meanwhile, Ankara has intensified checks on Turkish citizens leaving the country in a move to prevent people associated with the attempted coup from escaping the authorities.

Those travelling from any of the country’s international airports will now have to provide proof of their employment. Civil servants as well as their spouses and children will need authorisation by their employer to travel.

“Meanwhile other employees will have to prove that they work in the private sector and are therefore not civil servants,’’ sources close to the government said. The government has vowed to “clean” the civil service from Gulen supporters.

All civil servants have been banned from going on holiday, while those currently abroad have been asked to return home.

“Turkey is also demanding that the U.S. extradite Gulen. Citizens have to defend themselves against the “most insidious and vile coup attempt in the history of the Turkish people,” Erdogan said. People have indeed continued to celebrate the crushing of the coup since the weekend.

Thousands gathered overnight on the Bosporous Bridge, which was occupied by troops in tanks who fired on civilians during the coup attempt. Yasin Aktay, spokesman of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) said “we cannot understand the criticism we’re getting from Europe about this.

Jibrin makes striking revelations against Dogora

Embattled ex-chairman committee on appropriations, Adulmumin Jibrin has spoken out over his case

– Jibrin says Honourable Yakubu Dogara the House of Reps Speaker is out to blackmail him

– The Rep representing Kiru/Bebeji Federal Constituency says he is been harassed by security agents

Four principal members of the Nigerian House of Representatives including Speaker Yakubu Dogara have been accused of padding the budget with N40 billion and using the police to harass, monitor and intimidate Abdulmunin Jibrin, the former chairman of the House committee on appropriations.

 Speaker Yakubu Dogara and other principal officers accused of massive corruption The disclosure was made by Jibrin’s lawyers on Friday, July 22.


The statement reads: “We, (The Law Offices Of Messrs HAMMART & CO, LAW BOND SOLICITORS and DOKA CHAMBERS) are Counsel to Honourable Abdulmumin Jibrin PhD,MBA, member of the House of Representatives representing Kiru/Bebeji Federal Constituency of Kano State and until his resignation on the 21st of July 2016,the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriation. Our attention has been drawn to the subterranean and clandestine efforts of the following: 1. Speaker Yakubu Dogara, 2. Deputy Speaker Yusuf Lasun, 3. House Whip Hon. ALHASSAN Ado Doguwa, and 4. House Minority Leader, Hon. Leo Ogor. 

The above quartet have resorted to blackmail our Client into silence and to further harass his person and family using the instrument of the obstructive coercion and perversion of due process by deploying, albeit illegally some elements of the Nigeria Police.

You will recall that our Client is in dispute with the said quartet over his refusal and inability to admit into the National Budget of 2016, the sum of about 30 Billion Naira at the behest of these quartet and also his refusal to cover up the decision of Speaker Dogara and others’ unilateral decision to distribute to themselves 40 Billion Naira out of the 100 Billion Naira allocated to the entire National Assembly in addition to what our Client considers as wasteful projects of over 20 Billion Naira to their (quartet) various constituencies.

WE WANT TO STATE UNEQUIVOCALLLY THAT OUR CLIENT STANDS BY THE ABOVE ASSERTION AND WILL AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME PROVE SAME. We now have it on good authority that these quartet acting in concert are at the moment using some elements within the police to monitor, harass, intimidate and hound our client into an unwarranted detention with the purpose of inhibiting his right to move freely and to express himself as contained in Chapter 4 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended); the purpose of their antics is to upturn the narrative and paint our client as the black sheep in the flock, and cleverly presenting themselves as transparent angels. Accordingly, we have made appropriate representations to the Inspector General of Police and other relevant security agencies in the Country drawing their attention to this unwarranted and ill intentioned steps taken by these quartet and not to allow themselves (security agencies) to be used to execute the personal objectives of these quartet; more so appropriate legal action has been taken by our client, as a law abiding citizen, to protect his fundamental rights as guaranteed by our laws.

Finally, we hasten to advise Speaker Dogara and the 3 other principal officers mentioned here not to descend to the narrow aim of dragging the institution of the House of Representatives into their personal fight andto note that by virtue of the institution he leads and as a lawyer, he should act within the confines of the Rule of Law and allow the House of Representatives to institute a special investigation into this matter where our Client will have the opportunity earlier denied him by the quartet to testify and provide evidence against them

A Malnourished young boy found in a Celestial Church

This is terribly heartbreaking! A malnourished 9-year-old boy was rescued at Celestial Church of Christ key of Joy Parish Ajiwo yesterday, July 22. The boy was seen chained (and has been like that for weeks) in the premises of the church which is located at Ajibawo in Ado-Odo Ota division 2. He was said to have been rescued by some NSCDC officers.

This is terrible! And they were able to worship God for those weeks with the little boy chained like an animal?

Wednesday 20 July 2016

How Paracetamol Causes Infertility – Researchers

New research suggests that paracetamol, which is also known as acetaminophen and sold under the brand name Tylenol in the United States (U.S.) and Panadol in the United Kingdom (U.K.), has been linked to infertility.
The findings are published online in Human Reproduction but was first reported by DailyMailUK Online. Couples, where the male partner had high levels of the drug in his urine took longer to conceive, according to scientists at the National Institutes of Health, compared to men who had lower levels of the compound in their system.
Paracetamol is a non-prescription drug widely used as a pain reliever and to reduce fever.
It is also one of the compounds produced when the body breaks down aniline, a chemical used to make rubber, pesticides, and coloring agents used in food, cosmetics and clothing.
Dr. Melissa Smarr, the study’s first author, from United States (NIH’s) Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, said: “At this point, our findings need to be corroborated by future research, and there is no cause for alarm.’
Smarr explained that the high levels of paracetamol in the urine of certain men, who participated in the study, were unlikely to result from taking the painkillers alone.
The findings, she said, are more consistent with those seen from environmental exposure, either to aniline or paracetamol, or a combination of the two.
But, she said, the findings could have implications for the amount of paracetamol exposure that is deemed acceptable. Researchers led by Dr Smarr analyzed data from the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment (LIFE) study, established to examine how lifestyle and exposure to environmental chemicals may affect fertility.

Source: Guardian

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Adekunle Gold "GOLD" Album Art Cover released

Adekunle Gold releases Art Cover for his coming Gold Album

The YBNL star has just release the cover of his coming album GOLD.

 A sixteen tracks album which has just one collaboration with the artist Simi on track 8 "No Forget".

Could simi being the only artist on this Album make the speculation about their relationship hold water.. We dey watch ooooo!

Just In: Paul Le Guen rejects appointment as Super Eagle's Coach

Frenchman Paul Le Guen has rejected his appointment as Nigeria coach after he claimed they did not meet his contractual terms, according to media reports from France.

According to French sports newspaper L’Equipe, Le Guen has rejected the Nigeria post.

He declined the position after several conditions he tabled were not met, according to the newspaper.

Earlier today, it was revealed “contractual disputes” between Le Guen and his prospective employers, adding that the former Cameroon and Lyon coach was adamant he will not shift from his position on several of the contending issues on his contract.

It was understood that, among his conditions, was he coming down with a support staff that included an assistant and a goalkeeper trainer.

Nigeria have been without a permanent coach since February, when Sunday Oliseh walked out on the Super Eagles after claiming his contract has been severally breached.

The three-time African champions are drawn in a tough 2018 World Cup qualifying group that has Algeria, Cameroon and Zambia.

Wonderful world! Woman want to sell her sisters babies caught

A lady was arrested in Cross River state, for attempting to help her two sisters sell their babies.

Gift in the middle with her two sisters 

Gift Etim Ikono and her two sisters, Esther Etim Ikono and Florence Victor Ikono, have been arrested by the Cross Rivers state police command for allegedly selling their babies to yet-to-be identified persons.
Akwa Ibom state-born lady and ring-leader of this act, Gift who resides at 8th Mile, Calabar, was arrested on Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

According to the Cross River state Commissioner of Police, Jimoh Obeh, he disclosed that  Gift harbored her sisters Esther and Florence in her apartment while they were pregnant, and sold their babies at birth.

Jimoh Obeh further reported that, they will all be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

Wonder why people would this in this age where some people are looking forward to having children. 

Six Nigerians make CNN Multichoice African Journalist 2016 finalist list

Six Nigerians made the list of finalists in the prestigious CNN MultiChoice African Journalist 2016 Competition announced today, July 18, by Ferial Haffajee, Chair of the independent judging panel.

The competition received 1637 entries this year – a record number – from 38 countries across the continent, including French and Portuguese-speaking Africa.

The finalists will enjoy an all-expense paid four day programme of workshops, media forums and networking in Johannesburg, South Africa, culminating in a Gala Award Ceremony in October 2016.

Tony Maddox, Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of CNN International said in a statement:

"This year has seen a record number of entries for the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards, from a diverse array of countries across the continent. The passion which African journalists display for telling compelling and top class stories knows no bounds. Once more, CNN proudly continues its commitment to encouraging inspired journalistic excellence with these awards."

See list of the 38 finalists from 14 countries:

Adedayo Eriye Oketola, Saturday Punch, Nigeria

Aderonke Bello,, Nigeria

Ancillar Mangena, Forbes Africa, South Africa

Asha Ahmed Mwilu & Rashid Idi, Kenya Television Network, Kenya

Ati Metwaly, Al Ahram Weekly, Egypt

Bento Venâncio, Jornal Domingo, Mozambique

Bidossèssi Appolinaire Agoïnon, Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Bénin, Benin

Cheboite Kigen, Daily Nation Newspaper, Kenya

Chika Oduah, Nigeria, Freelancer at African Media Initiative, Kenya

Cleófas Viagem, STV, Mozambique

Conan Daniel Businge & Gerald Tenywa, New Vision, Uganda

Coulibaly Zoumana, Le Patriote, Ivory Coast

Diana Neille, Richard Poplak, Shaun Swingler and Sumeya Gasa, Daily Maverick Chronicle, South Africa

Dominic Omondi, The Standard, Kenya

Eromo Egbejule, Freelancer at Ventures Africa, Nigeria

Faten Hayed, El Watan, Algeria

Fidelto Emidio Bata, STV, Mozambique

Folashade Adebayo, The Punch, Nigeria

Garreth van Niekerk, City Press, South Africa

Isaac Otidi Amuke, Commonwealth Writers, Kenya

James Oatway, The Sunday Times, South Africa

Jay Caboz, Forbes Africa, South Africa

Jean-Luc Emile, Teleplus, Mauritius

John Grobler, Namibia, and Fiona Macleod, Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism, South Africa

Lawrence Seretse, The Botswana Gazette, Botswana

Mia Malan, Mail & Guardian, South Africa

Teresa Fuquiadi, Jornal Nova Gazeta, Angola

Veronica Narkwor Kwabla, Tv3 Network, Ghana

Veronica Onuchi, TVC News Africa, Nigeria

Yemisi Akinbobola, Ogechi Ekeanyanwu & Paul Bradshaw, IQ4News for Premium Times, Nigeria

Monday 18 July 2016

BREAKING :NFF names Le Guen as new Eagles coach

Le Guen 

The Technical and Development Committee of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has named Paul Le Guen as the new Super Eagles head coach on Monday, July 18. 

According to Paul Bassey, a member of the technical committee, Le Guen is to be assisted by Salisu Yusuf and Imama Amapakabo, while Alloy Agu is the goalkeeper’s trainer.

Amaju Pinnick, the president of the NFF, has stressed that they have high hopes to qualify the national team for the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup. 

Briefing journalists on Monday Pinnick explained that the decision to get a quality coach was taken after the failure of the team to qualify for the 2017 African Cup of Nations (AFCON).

He said: “We want to avoid as much as possible the perceived mistakes that made us to miss out of the AFCON 2017. To ensure that we brought the best coach that can qualify us for the World Cup, the first thing we did was to ensure we got a partner that will pay the fees of all the coaches. 

We sent a request of about five coaches and that was granted and the company requested we should keep every other thing under wraps for now. After the last AFCON ouster, we started thinking of Russia and we are making efforts to pay all the coaches so that they will give their best at all times.

Truly we are very desirous of qualifying for the 2018 world cup.”


Taylor Swift has accused Kim Kardashian West of “character assassination”, after the reality television star released video of a phone conversation in which Swift appears to approve the majority of a controversial line from Kanye West’s song Famous.

In the song, Kanye raps: “For all my Southside niggas that know me best / I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that bitch famous.” Its release was followed by criticism, which Kanye responded to on Twitter in February, saying: “I called Taylor and had a hour long convo with her about the line and she thought it was funny and gave her blessings.”

The recording of that conversation, which was uploaded to Kardashian’s Snapchat account in a series of roughly-edited snippets, does not feature Kanye reading out the specific line “I made that bitch famous”. But he does read the rest of the lyric, before asking for Swift’s approval.

“Go with whatever line you think is better,” Swift answers. “It’s obviously really tongue in cheek, either way ... And I really appreciate you telling me about it, that’s really nice.”

Last night was mad real: Kanye's new video depicts nude Trump, Taylor Swift Swift released a statement on Instagram soon after Kardashian West uploaded the Snapchat, accusing West of “character assassination”. “You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that bitch’ in front of the entire world,” she said. “Of course I wanted to like the song. I wanted to believe Kanye when he told me I would love the song. I wanted us to have a friendly relationship.”

Swift went on to say that Kanye West promised to play the song for her but she did not hear it before release. Although Kardashian West has previously said that Swift’s approval of Kanye’s lyric was recorded, Swift has distanced herself from it.

On 12 February her representative said that, instead, Swift “cautioned him” about releasing the song: Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single Famous on her Twitter account.

She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, ‘I made that bitch famous’.

 During an acceptance speech at the Grammys on 15 February, Swift appeared to disavow more than the “I made that bitch famous” line: “I want to say to the young woman out there, there are going to be people along the way who try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame.”

While there is no evidence in the recording that West read Swift the contentious line, the pair do appear to discuss the infamous moment it refers to: when West hijacked Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music awards to proclaim that Beyonce should have won instead.
Taylor Swift: 'I wasn't ready to be friends with Kanye West until he respected me' “I don’t think anyone would listen to that and be like, ‘Oh that’s a real hit, she must be crying about it’,”

Swift said. “You’ve got to tell the story the way that it happened to you and that you experienced it – like, you honestly didn’t know who I was before that … It doesn’t matter if I sold 7m of that album before you did that, which is what happened; you didn’t know who I was before then, it’s fine.”

On the recording Swift also appeared to tell West she will defend him to the press. “If people ask me about it, I think it would be great for me to be like, ‘Well he called me and told me the line before it came out. Joke’s on you guys; we’re fine.’

“You guys want to call this a feud, you want tocall this throwing shade, but right after the song comes out I’m going to be on the Grammy red carpet and they’re going to ask me about it, and I’m going to be like, ‘he called me

Football legend Pele to visit Nigeria

Football legend,Pele is expected in Nigeria for a historic visit in August as part of events planned by the Winihin Jemide Series and Youth Experience Days Africa. 

Pele The three-time World Cup winner will headline a youth football tournament that will take place at the Astro-Turf in Ikoyi as well as a leadership meeting with Corporate Nigeria, reports.

The WJS/YEDA Legend Edition 2016 is a 2-day event (11th -12th August, 2016) focused on youth development and empowerment through a once-in-a-lifetime inspiring experience with Pele.

The event will include a sports clinic (legend tournament), a gala night with the legend, other African football legends and an auction of Pele memorabilia at the gala night with proceeds from the auction expected to be donated to an eligible local youth football academy.

This will be the former striker’s second visit to Nigeria; the first in 1967, was occasioned by a 2-day cease fire during the Nigerian Civil War which saw Pele & Santos FC team play an exhibition match in Lagos.

The Brazilian won the first of his three World Cups as a 17-year-old at Sweden ’58 before adding two more titles at Chile ’62 and Mexico ’70.   

Shooter kills Three policemen in Baton Rouge.

Three Baton Rouge law enforcement officers were killed on Sunday and three others wounded in an attack by a lone gunman with an assault style rifle, once again thrusting Louisiana’s capital city into the national spotlight.

The shootings were the latest chapter in two convulsive weeks in which the nation was transfixed by video accounts of the fatal shooting of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge police on July 5 and a separate shooting of a black motorist in Minnesota.

Two days later, five Dallas police officers were gunned down in an attack eerily similar to Sunday’s shooting on Airline Highway. The gun battle — in which the attacker was killed — unfolded not far from police headquarters, the scene of often tense protests over the killing of Sterling.

The suspect, identified by law enforcement sources as Gavin Eugene Long, of Kansas City, Missouri, is believed to have been the only shooter involved, State Police officials said. Two others who were later detained in West Baton Rouge Parish and questioned were released late Sunday.

It was unclear why Long was in Baton Rouge, how long he had been here and whether he came to confront police. He had travelled to Dallas shortly after the five police officers were shot there on July 7. The shootings in Baton Rouge took place as officers responded to a report of a man armed with an assault-style rifle near a convenience store at Airline Highway near the Hammond Aire Plaza.
As President Barack Obama, Gov. John Bel Edwards and others weighed in on an incident that filled the national airwaves, some details began to emerge Sunday afternoon about the victims and the shooter.

The law enforcement officer victims were identified as Baton Rouge police officers Montrell Jackson, 32, and Matthew Gerald, 41, and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Brad Garafola, 45.

Garafola’s widow, Tonja Garafola, said he was working extra duty at the convenience store. She said his shift had ended at 8 a.m., the last shift he had to work before heading out Monday on vacation.

Sheriff Sid Gautreaux said Brad Garafola was killed when he saw the two Baton Rouge police officers under fire. “He lost his life going to the aid of a Baton Rouge police officer.

He saw the officer down and ran in the direction of the shots to try and render aid.” “I’ve been knowing him since before he became a sheriff’s deputy. (He was) just a good guy, a good family man,” Gautreaux said of Brad Garafola. Gautreaux said Sunday that a 41-year-old deputy was “fighting for his life,” while another 51-year-old deputy underwent surgery with nonlife-threatening wounds.

Gautreaux said all the deputies involved are married with families.

At a news conference Sunday afternoon, Edwards and East Baton Rouge Mayor- President Kip Holden stood with grim faces to update the public on the stunning killings less than two weeks after a sniper killed five officers and injured others in Dallas.

State Police Supt. Col. Mike Edmonson gave a nearly minute-by-minute account of how events unfolded, with Baton Rouge Police officers receiving a call at 8:40 a.m. about a man carrying a rifle walking in the area of Airline Highway and Goodwood Boulevard.
Soon afterward, Baton Rouge officers responding to the call for help at B-Quik on Airline Highway just north of Old Hammond Highway saw a person dressed in all black standing behind a beauty supply store holding a rifle, Edmonson said.

At 8:42 a.m., a call came in to officers that
shots were fired, he said. Two minutes later, another call surfaced that officers were down at the scene, he said. At 8:45 a.m., law enforcement received another report of shots fired, he said.
By 8:46 a.m., officials received a report that the suspect was standing near a car wash next to the convenience store, Edmonson said.

Two minutes later, emergency medical responders arrived to attend to the wounded, he said. “Officers engaged the subject at that particular time, and he ultimately died at the scene,” Edmonson said.

While the initial call and gun battle played out over a period of about 30 minutes, confusion and fear paralyzed the city all day as officers tried to determine whether the killer had accomplices, and their probe kept Airline Highway shut down for hours.

Culled from : The Advocate